Monday, April 25, 2011

Online Personal Trainers Suck (most of the time)

Yes, it is true. Most online personal trainers suck. In fact, they are not trainers at all.  What is that?
If someone is going to call themselves an online personal trainer wouldn't you like to know that they also train people in real life and not just online?

Burning fat, getting a flat belly or sculpting a six pack takes more than someone asking you what you are doing or ripping out a program from Muscle & Fitness. It requires a unique combination of training, nutrition and skilled coaching.

Don't fall prey to these scams.  If you are considering an online personal trainer then be certain that he or she is certified by an accredited agency such as NSCA, NASM, ACE, ACSM or in nutrition by ISSN.

Check out this link for trainers who fulfill these requirements. Click Here